Friday, August 17, 2012


Today I landed a plane, and now I'm wondering if I shouldn't have removed "get a pilot's licence" from my bucket list... man, that was fun!

Took a short flight around Boundary Bay and Semiahmoo Bay with King George Aviation School this afternoon after my brother gave me a Groupon he didn't want. I got to handle the controls and brought the plane in for the landing myself. Wasn't expecting that, but it was actually pretty easy and smooth (though my adrenaline was definitely going).

The plane was a Rans Coyote II. It's a build-it-yourself. Pretty much made of toothpicks and pillowcases, it probably weighs only three times as much as I do, and it's super sensitive to the hand and foot controls. It took about three seconds to get off the ground, and then it was spectacular views of oceanfront properties in the States and around White Rock the rest of the way.

I asked the pilot if we could do a couple of rolls, and he obliged. It was like a roller-coaster ride 400 feet up. Epic.

What a way to spend a gorgeous summer afternoon. I recommend this for something to do on a sunny day. And I may have to re-consider getting my licence.

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