Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Climbed at the gym yesterday with a friend of a friend who's a very strong, bold climber and this gave me the confidence to push myself to my limit. Fell a lot, took risks, successfully completed the scary 5.10c overhang route with no takes and did a handful of 5.10b and c routes that maxed me out.

Improving slowly but surely. Now that I have no problem with falling it's really about building strength. I think I can do about five pull-ups, and about 10 push-ups. Must. Get. Stronger!

Next goal is to find a group of people who are experienced outdoor climbers who will take me to do a single pitch in Squamish. That should do it for the purposes of the bucket list. Of course, I think I'm pretty well hooked and will likely keep climbing until I'm very old. Maybe I'll keep climbing even then.

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