Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Fourth amendment

Since 2009, I've had the first item on my bucket list crossed off – write a novel. While I did indeed complete a novella for the annual Three-Day Novel Contest that year, I did not win any prizes, nor did I get the manuscript published. (You'd have to be insane to publish that sentimental drivel written in a state of Oreo cookie-fueled delirium.)

So, while I'm happy I participated and spent a solid long weekend writing fiction (which is more than I've done in the four years since!), I realize I've not completed my life goal of writing and, more importantly, publishing a novel. I WILL one day write the next great Canadian novel. I will, dammit.

So, I'm putting that back on the list as unfinished, making this the fourth amendment to the bucket list since its inception in 2008.

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